Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great was a marvelous leader, ruler and commander. He did a very shocking thing at the age of 20 to 32. Alexander was a price of Macedon; his father was murdered by a guard man when Alexander was twenty years old. Then Alexander succeeded his father and took over the volatile Kingdom Macedon. Macedon was a small Kingdom at the edge of the Persian Empire; the place wasn’t good enough for Alexander. But this didn’t stop Alexander’s ambition since he was learning with his teacher Aristotle.

In the spring of 334 BC, Alexander offense Asia Minor. By the next year, Alexander had freed the Greek cities in Asia Minor from Persian rule and defeated a large and powerful Persian army at Issus. He then go through the Persian Empire and reign all the city in Persian. The Persian Empire was not the largest Empire at that time any more. Alexander the Great created a kingdom with the immeasurable land including the Greek and the Persian Empire with his reckless courage.

Therefore, he decided to continue invading but his soldiers stopped him. In the spring of 323 B.C.E, Alexander returned to Babylon and made plans to explore Caspian Sea and Arabia and so on. However, he couldn’t finish his plans; he died at the age of 32 because of exhaustion and weakness from other wounds. And the Kingdom soon broke.

Alexander was like Hammurabi the leader of Babylon. But Alexander ruled his kingdom with his courage and the heart of loving soldiers. Others trusted Alexander. However, Hammurabi was afraid of those who wanted to take his place, so he made Hammurabi’s code. But this code could also help to make Babylon more powerful and united. While Alexander didn’t, so his kingdom soon broke.

In brief, Alexander the Great was an extraordinary man. He conquered the Greek and the Persian Empire. Whenever he used his reckless courage or something that gave him motivation, he still was a remarkable ruler in the history.


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