The Sumerian Civilization

The Mesopotamia is “the Cradle of Civilization.” It means “land between the rivers’, and the two great rivers are the Tigris and the Euphrates .So soon, many rich cultures started in Mesopotamia .These included Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian ,Assyrian and many other cultures.

By 3000BC,many cities had formed in Southern Mesopotamia in a region known as Sumer .Sumerian cities were isolated from each other by geography, such as rivers, desert and mountains. But this became the natural wall of Sumerian. Besides ,the Sumerians built a wall which made by formed mud-bricks around the cities for double protection.

The Sumerians believed in many gods. The most funniest thing was that almost everything had a god for it. Therefore they built a grand temple called a ziggurat to its chief god.      The ziggurat was like a huge wedding cakes with trees, floors and steps---many steps, which could lead priests and priestesses to the top of the ziggurat.

While Sumerian kings lived in large palaces , ordinary people lived in small mud-brick houses. So the society was divided into three parts. The upper class included kings , government officials and so on. In the middle class were artisans, and other people who had jobs. The lower class consisted of enslaved people  who worked on farms or in the temples.

The Sumerians left a lasting mark on world history and gave us much knowledge which we are still using today, like an hour is 60 minutes , a minutes 60 seconds ,a circle is 360 degrees, they are very significant to modern people.

In addition , the Sumerian was not only good at science, invention and technology , but also keen on art and artisans ,to our surprise ,the Sumerians could predict the movements of several planets ,this was really marvelous at that time.

But the sadness of Sumerian was that they believed that their world was controlled by gods , goddesses and demons and monsters.

In brief , the Sumerian create many remarkable things which made us couldn’t forget it forever.


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