Make Chances Work

This week, I read a book “Sing for Your Supper”.

It tells us a story about a beggar who is a small boy. He caught a man who stole a drum by accident. He really wanted to eat food (“exchange it for food” is better) because of hunger, but he caught the chance and practiced playing the drum much(hard). He learned it so that he could play it on the board which could offer food to him. The sound from the drum attracted people and he was regarded as a hero.

From this story, I know that we are supposed to be brave and catch chances to make them work, then we’ll be successful. Though the boy was poor and hungry, we should learn from him for the courage he had.

Sometimes we complain that we aren’t as lucky as those successful men, but it is time? We haven’t been successful because we didn’t catches the chances we have had, but the successful people did.

(As we all know,) Opportunity is coy. The careless, the slow, the unobservant, and the lazy fail to see it or clutch it when it is gone, however, the sharp fellows detect it and catch it while on the wing.

So, find the chance and catch it. I believe the next successful person is you. 


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