18 绳之以法

18 绳之以法

肯普诉美国国家金融服务公司:John T. Kempv. Countrywide Home Loans, United States Bankruptcy Court, District of NewJersey, Case No. 08-18700-JI-IW,rulingflled November 16, 2010,available at http: //cdn.americanbanker.  com/media/pdfs/kemp_ v- countrywide.  pdf。

可笑的是,这一切绝大部分都是由美国国家金融服务公司自己的律师来进行的:“Word for Word: That Bank of America Exec's Testimony on Countrywide Mortgage Docs,”American Banker,November 29,  2010。

汤姆·亚当斯追踪了肯普的抵押贷款: Tom Adams,“Failure to Transfer Notes a Serious Issue for Countrywide and Its Trustee," Naked Capitalism,November 22, 2010。

我们确信这笔贷款被卖给了信托公司:Gretchen Morgenson,“Flawed Mortgage Papers May Pose Economic Risk,  Panel Says," New York Times,November 20, 2010。

对火箭速度办案的关注是揭露和阻止止赎的第一步:  “Letters Regarding Open Access to Florida State Foreclosure Proceedings," ACLU press release, November 17,2010。

宾夕法尼亚州最大的房屋止赎厂: Abigail Field,“Thousands of Pennsylvania Foreclosures Could Be on Shaky Ground," Daily Finance,December 2, 2010。

布莱恩·布林、克里丝塔·穆尔和杜拉塔·达科: Susan Martin,“On Video, Alleged 'Robo-Signers' Describe Assembly Line Work," Tampa Bay Times, November 12, 2010; William Alden and Ryan McCarthy, "The Most  Shocking  Statements  from Alleged  Foreclosure' Robo-Signers,')’Hufj'ington Post,November 13,2010。

迈克尔认为布林很像电影《上班一条虫》中在小隔间里混日子的米尔顿: Michael Redman, "Notorious Robo-signers, Bryan Bly and Crystal Moore, Still 'Working' for Nationwide Title Clearing," 4closurefraud.  org,July 19,2011。

给山达基教教会捣乱,后果是很严重的:Susan Martin,“Nationwide Title Goes on Attack Against Vocal Critics,"  Tarnpa  Bay Times,  December 10,2010; Michael Redman,“And So It Begin:…Nationwide Title Clearing Sues Foreclosure Fraud Defense Attorney Matt Weidner," 4closurefraud.  org,December 12,2010。

马萨诸塞州最高法院做出了一个爆炸性的裁决: Yves Smi出,“Mass Supreme Court Rules Against Wells Fargo, Deutsche Case on Validity of Mortgage Transfers in Securitizations," Naked Capitalism, January 7, 2011;Tracy  Alloway,  " A  Court  Case  to  Challenge  Securitisation  Standards [Updated]," Financial Times Alphaville, January 7,  2011 。

但银行股还是遭遇了大幅下挫: Thorn Weidlich,“Massachusetts Top Court Hands Foreclosure Loss to U.  S.Bancorp," Bloomberg Business,January 8, 2011。

在加利福尼亚州的西米谷:Emily Peck,“Evicted Family Breaks into Their Former House," Wall Street Journal, October 13, 2010。

如果摩根大通将房屋所有人赶出家门,他们就会搬到银行去住:"Families Arrested at Bank in Foreclosure Protest," People's World, December 17, 2010, http: //peoplesworld. org/families-arrested-at-bank-in-foreclosure-protest; David Dayen, "22 Foreclosure Activists Arrested at Chase Bank in Downtown Los Angeles," FDL News, December 17, 2010, http:// shadOVvproof. com/2010/12/17/22-foreclosure-activists-arrested-at-chase-bank-in-downtown-los-angeles。

全国信仰联盟PICO: David Dayen,“Geithner Meets with Homeowners Burned by HAMP," FDL News, November 4, 2010, http:  //shadowproof.com/201 0/11/04/geithner-meets-with-homeowners-burned-by-hamp。

反止赎联盟: Sean-Thomas Breitfeld and Mamie Brady, "The New 130ttom Line," Building Movement Project, www.  buildingmovement.  org/pdf/The _ New _ Bottom    Line.   pdf;  Home Defenders League,  www.homedefendersleague. org。

“节日中的无家可归者”:  Michael Redman,“Homeless for the Holidays Rally Protesting Foreclosure Fraud, West Palm Beach Courthouse  |  Be There or Be Homeless,”4closurefraud.  org, December 8, 2010。

“不要和银行和解,坚决反对欺诈”: Michael Redman,“Action Alert-Foreclosure Fraud-Tell Your Attorney General 'Don't Sit Down with the Banks!  Stand up Against Fraud!'” 4closurefraud.  org, October 29, 2010。

如果公众认为政府正在向大银行做出让步:Congressional Oversight Panel, "Examining the Consequences of Mortgage Irregularities for Financial Stability and Foreclosure Mitigation," November l6,  2010, http://cybercemetery. unt. edu/archive/cop/20110401233819/http: //cop.  senate.gov/reports/library/report-111610-cop. cfm。

“都感兴趣”:Brady Dennis, "Q and A: Head of Probe Says Victims of WrongfulForeclosureShouldGetCompensation,”  Washington    Post,November 16,2010。

米勒因2010年连任竞选得到了银行业261000美元的捐款: Jon Prior, "Report Spotlights Iowa AG's Campaign Contributions from Banking Industry,”Housing Wire,April 22,2011。

米勒承认自己曾向银行律师募捐: Massimo Calabresi,“Foreclosure-Probe Chief Asked Bank Lawyers for Money," Time, May 9, 20YIhttp://swampland. time. com/2011/05/09/foreclosure-probe-chief-aske4-bank-lawyers- for-money/。

2010年11月米勒向参议院银行委员会表示:“Problems in Mortgage Servicing from Modifi田tion to Foreclosure," Senate Banking Committee,November 16, 2010, transcript accessed at www. gpo. gov/fdsYsrPr'vdCHRG-111shrg65258/pdf/CHRG-111shrg65258. pdf,p. 8。

“我们还会把人送进监狱”:Arthur Delaney,“Tom Miller:‘We Will Put People in Jail' for Foreclosure Fraud," Huffington Post, December 14, 2010。

之后,米勒一直保持低调:Yves Smith,“Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, Head of 50 State Investigation, Retreats from 'Tough With Banks' Stance," Naked Capitalism, January 26, 2011; David Dayen, "The Mystery of Tom Miller's Shifting Comments on Criminal Sanctions for Foreclosure Fraud,”FI)L News, January6, 2011, http: //shadowproof. com/2011/0 l/06/the-mystery-o f- tom-millers-shi fting-comments-on-criminal- sanctions-for-dclosure- fraud。

“数百名调查人员驻扎在银行彻底调查”:Felix Salmon,“Treasury’s Plan to Fix the Mortgage Mess," Reuters, November 23, 2010。

“全面解决方案”:David Dayen,“Bair's 'Global Solution' Doesn't Address Criminal Prosecution,”FDL News Desk, October 25, 2010, http://shadowproof. com/2010/10/25/bairs-global-solution-doesnt-address-criminal-prosecution。

夏威夷从一个止赎相当容易的州,变成了一个银行必须遵纪守法的州: Martin Andelman, "Governor Abercrombie Signs SB 651-Toughest Foreclosure Bill in Nation Now Law!"  Mandelman Matters (blog) ,  May 6,2011,http:  //mandelman. ml-implode. com/2011/05/govemor-abercrombie-signs- sb-651— toughest- foreclosure- bill-in- nation- now-law。

银行重新启动了巨型止赎机器: David Dayen,“lBanks Resume Foreclosure Sales," FDL News, December 13, 2010, http: //shadowproof.com/2010/1 2/1 3/banks- resume- foreclosure-sales。

“我们还没有发现一例止赎拍卖不合法的案件,”:Testimony before the House Financial Services Committee, November 18, 2010, video at C-SPAN,www, c-span. org/video/?   296661-2/mortgage-services-foreclosure-practices-bankers-panel。

“止赎案件中的不公平、欺骗和无良行为”: June Clarkson,Theresa Edwards, and Rene Harrod, "Unfair, Deceptive and Unconscionable Acts in Foreclosure Cases," Office of the Attorney General, Economic Crimes Division, 2010, available at www.scribd. com/doc/46278738/Florida-Attomey-General-Fraudclosure-Report-Un fair-Decep tive-and-Unconscionable-Acts-in-Foreclosure-Cases 。

“我们反对佛罗里达总检察长将抵押贷款行业和证券化过程描述为一出糖果乐园游戏”: Stefan Kamph,“June Clarkson and TheresaEdwards Were Fired After Revealing Widespread Foreclosure Fraud," Broward/Palm Beach New Times, June 21 , 2012。

帕姆·邦迪,这位即将上任的总检察长,从贷款方程序处理公司及其附属机构,获得了成千上万美元的竞选资金: Michael Redman,“Pam Bondi, Lender Processing Services, Provest and Campaign Contributions from Companies Under Investigation from AG's Office," 4closurefraud, July 28, 2011。

主管鲍勃·朱利安对发生的状况表示非常失望:Kamph,“June Clarkson and Theresa Edwards Were Fired"。

周一暂缓运动,在全州范围内继续扩大: Lisa Epstein,“Announcing Moratorium Mondays: Monday Morning Protests at Courts, Offices of Elected Officials, and Government Buildings Across the State and the Country,"Foreclosure Hamlet, February 9, 2011。

几十名抗议者在劳德尔堡的法院大楼前面游行:Lisa Epstein,“Jan 13th Protest March Against Criminal Foreclosure Fraud:  Goal Metl"Foreclosure Hamlet , January 14,  2011。

丽莎和迈克尔举行了“烧掉欺诈”活动: Michael Redman,“Torch the Fraud  \  4closureFraud.  org and ForeclosureHamlet. org Host a Bonfire on the Beach,” 4closurefraud.  org, February 28, 2011。

治安官命令副手取走自动取款机中的现金和其他资产以充抵抵押留置权: Michael Redman, "Deadbeat Bank  I  Raw Video of Sheriff Serving Writ of Possession on Bank to Seize All Property Including All Cash,"4closurefraud, February 9, 2011。

之后“老赖银行”的行为变得越来越普遍: Jeff Gelles,“Phila.Homeowner Wins Judgment Against Wells Fargo over Mortgage Fees,"Philadelphia Inquirer,  February 15,  2011;  The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,“’Ihe Forecloser,”Comedy Central,August 8, 2011。

在塔拉哈西组织了第二次年度集会:Michael Redman,“Continuously Updated  l   March 9, 2011:  Second Annual Freedom Ride and Rally in Tally for Combatants of Illegal Foreclosures,’’4closurefraud. org, February 23,2011; Michael Redman, "Pictures of Our Rally in Tally," 4closurefraud,March 10,2011。

迈克尔发现,在夏皮罗·菲什曼律所的律师安娜·马龙离职几个月后,她的电子签名仍然出现在文件上:Kimberly Miller,“Lawyers' Name Shows Up on Foreclosure Docs Filed Months After She Resigned," Palm Beach Post, February 21, 2011。

一份指导手册,讲述如何通过剪切和粘贴旧签名来伪造证明书以获得不菲的律师费用: Lisa Epstein,“Ben-Ezra Katz Foreclosure Mill-Internal Instructions on How to Copy/Cut/Paste, Perjury and Fraud upon the Court,"Foreclosure Hamlet,February 19,  2011。

一家公司甚至拿走了一个女人丈夫的骨灰: Andrew Martin,“Banks Accused of Illegally Breaking into Homes," New Yorle Times, December 21, 2010。

很多家庭在贷款条款修正后按时支付了月供,但房子仍被收走:Carolyn Said, "Family Faces Foreclosure after Following the Rules," San Francisco Chronicle, November 25, 2010。

一个女人还清了全部房贷,却依然收到了违约通知: Jon Yates,“Problem: Paying Off Mortgage Results in Default,”Chicago Tribune,February 20, 2011。

治安官手下的警员在进行驱逐的过程中,发现了一具死尸: Kelli Cook, "Deputies Serving Eviction Notice Find Dead Body Inside Home,"News 13 0rlando, February 17, 2011, available at https: //web.  archive.org/web/20110221193858/http: //www.cfnews13.com/article/news/2011/ february/209025/Body- found-along-with-suspicious-item-inside-Orlando-home。

一个是关于被止赎家庭的孩子:Scott Pelley,“Homeless Chil出en:The Hard Times Generation," 60 Minutes, CBS News, June 20, 2011.Based on this post at 4closureFraud, the story appears to have run that March:http:  //4closurefraud. org/2011/03/07/60-minutes-homeless-children,the-hard-times-generation。

她的那一段采访则将在2011年4月3日播出:Scott Pelley,“The Next Housing Shock,”60 Minutes, CBS News, April 3, 2011。