The time when I rediscovered myself


People are different, but I do believe that the potential is limitless.

When I was in Year 2, I took part in the school sports meeting. I chose the 400-metre race. I was thinking it was easy enough for me and I must be able to come first. However, I failed. I was the last one.

Maybe I lost confidence from then on. Every program of my PE lesson is OK even excellent except running, every kind of running.

This didn't change until an 800-metre running test. At the beginning of my journey, I followed a girl and I was feeling good. But later, I found it hard to follow her steps as she's got a pair of long legs but I'm not. Then many people improved their speed and ran past me. I told myself not to be worried. I obeyed what my PE teacher said, to keep breathing regularly.

I finally finished the test and got big progress than before though I didn't pass. I discovered I was able to run well.

Actually, before the test, I practised a lot every day.

Maybe everybody has limitless potential, but the huge power will not appear without hard work.


I used to think the things I have done are worth praising. But one day I broke my dream by myself.

It's a fine day, I went shopping by underground. Before I walked into the station, an old grammar stopped me. She said, "Excuse me, sir. My husband and I are hungry. We haven't eaten things for three days. "I took out all my money, but I didn't find any coins for them, so I said, "Sorry, but I have to go now. I didn't have time for you." Then I walked into the station without seeing them again.

When I sat down on the underground, I thought of the things I had done again. I tried to make myself calm down. "Maybe someone else will give them money instead." I thought, "But, if everyone thinks like that, who will give them money? How will they be? To be helpless or dead? I couldn't guess anymore.

Suddenly I found myself was selfish. I felt so sick about the things I did .I still have something to learn. I should help them, if I were them, who will help me? So let's help others,. Let's make the world a better place to live.


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