Have you imagination enough to see what a fearful tragedy it was for me to have come across your family? What a tragedy it would have been for anyone at all, who had a great position, a great name, anything of importance to lose[145a]? There is hardly one of the elders of you family—with the exception of Percy, who is really a good fellow—who did not in some way contribute to my ruin. 

不知你的想象力够不够让你明白,碰上你一家人,对我是多么可怕的一个悲剧? 不管对谁,只要他有地位,有名声,有任何重要的什么需要爱惜[145a],这都会是一个什么样的悲剧啊!你家族年长的人当中——除了珀西,他可真是个好人——有谁不是促成我毁灭的一分子?